Clover Flex

Product Details

Payments: Accepts chip, swipe, and contactless payments including Apple Pay®, Google Pay® and Samsung Pay®

Screen: Nearly 6" LCD color touch screen

Receipts: Built-in thermal dot printer and can email or text digital receipt

Security: Clover Security end-to-end encryption

Camera & Scanner: 1D/2D barcode scanner/camera

Connectivity: WiFi, LTE

Battery Life: At least 8 hours of use for a typical SMB

Want to accept credit and debit card payments for your business?

Embrace the future of payment processing with Otusk Solutions LLC. Our dedication to innovation, combined with our robust support system, ensures that your business is equipped with the tools it needs to succeed in today’s fast-paced market. Let us help you enhance your payment processing experience, making it faster, safer, and more efficient.

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